Pastor’s Pen | August 2023
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | August 2023

“You are cordially invited.” Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie preached to a room of nearly 400 ELCA deacons and pastors at the opening worship service of the Rostered Ministers Gathering (RMG) hosted at the Phoenix Convention Center in mid-July.

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Pastor’s Pen | July 2023
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | July 2023

As Christian people, we are called to profess hope.

In a world that seems hell-bent on violence and destruction and death, here we are, the people of God: singing and praying, serving and sharing all because we have hope for a world that can be better.

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Pastor’s Pen | May 2023
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | May 2023

Towards the end of April, I joined eight of my first call colleagues at Spirit in the Desert retreat center for our bi-annual and mandatory First Call Theological Education (FCTE) event.

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Pastor’s Pen | April 2023
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | April 2023

At the end of March, I had the distinct privilege of participating on a “Philosophy of Religion” panel hosted by the Congregation Beth Israel in Scottsdale for their midweek teen education program.

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Pastor’s Pen | March 2023
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | March 2023

What is Lent, exactly? Well, Lent marks a forty-day period leading up to Easter, and mirrors Jesus’ forty-day wilderness stay. Observing the season of Lent became a practice during the 4th century as a way for Christians to prepare for the holiest days in the church calendar.

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Pastor’s Pen |February 2023
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen |February 2023

I really enjoy developing goals. It has taken me years to figure this out, but I need to develop goals because I am easily distracted by possibilities and new ideas. I love new ideas. My imagination goes wild when someone comes forward and says something like: “Have you ever considered [fill in the blank] before? Might we try that out?”

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Pastor’s Pen | January 2023
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | January 2023

Merry Christmas, people of New Journey! While many of my neighbors have begun removing Christmas lights from the exterior of their homes and the inflatable Christmas characters are slowly disappearing from lawns, the western church continues to celebrate the joy and the mystery of God come down in the person of Jesus.

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Pastor’s Pen | December 2022
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | December 2022

This November, I traveled to Pinerock Camp and Retreat Center in Prescott, Arizona to attend First Call Theological Education (FCTE) with six of my first call colleagues, Bishop Deborah Hutterer of our Grand Canyon Synod, and Pastor Jacqui Pagel, Assistant to the Bishop for Candidacy and Faith Formation.

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