"Fifth Sunday" Letter Writing
Join us in supporting Bread for the World’s annual offering of letters. This year, our focus is on domestic and world funding for hunger relief, in light of current federal budget cuts to nutrition programs and the Grand Canyon Synod’s priority of addressing hunger.

Palm/Passion Sunday
Join us in worship this Holy Week as we remember and celebrate the last days of Jesus’ earthly ministry.
Palm/Passion Sunday— Sunday, April 13, 10:00 am, in-person and live-streamed

Maundy Thursday
Join the NEVC combined Maundy Thursday Celebration. Pr. Beth Gallen and Pr. Anna Rieke, of Christ the Lord, will co-lead the service, which will include foot washing and communion.

Good Friday
Join us in worship this Holy Week as we remember and celebrate the last days of Jesus’ earthly ministry.
Friday, April 18, 5:30 pm, in-person

Resurrection of our Lord
Join us in worship this Holy Week as we remember and celebrate the last days of Jesus’ earthly ministry.
Resurrection of our Lord--Sunday, April 20, 10:00 am, in-person and live-steamed

NEVC Walk for Water
We are excited to invite you to our NEVC Walk for Water, a community event aimed at supporting the water project at NELM. This event is not just a walk; it's an opportunity to come together, enjoy nature, and make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Soup & Study
The Lenten season, the Christian Education team invites you to join us on Wednesday evenings for Soup & Study.
Beginning March 12 at 5:00 pm, we’ll gather in the fellowship space for a community soup supper and a Bible study on the gospel of Luke. We’ll dive into the complexities of the third gospel, wonder how God is speaking through the particularities of Lukan stories, and grow in faith.

Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the journey through the season of Lent. It is the day ashes, in the form of the cross, are imposed upon our heads and we are reminded that we are “dust and to dust we shall return”. On this day, we hold in tension our mortality and the gift of new creation that God grants through the death and glorious resurrection of Christ.

2025 Food for Kidz Food Pack
Join Us in the Fight Against Hunger!
We invite you to be a part of our mission to combat hunger and make a lasting impact in our communities and beyond. Whether you choose to volunteer, donate, or sponsor, your contribution will help provide nutritious meals to those in need.

Book Study: Part Two
In support of the Congregation Council’s 2025 Mission Case Statement and our 2025 Adaptive Question, the Christian Education team invites you to an “all church read” of I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening): A Guide to Grace-Filled Political Conversations by Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth A. Silvers. Join us for discussions on the book’s content and learnings from a faith perspective.

Book Study: Part One
In support of the Congregation Council’s 2025 Mission Case Statement and our 2025 Adaptive Question, the Christian Education team invites you to an “all church read” of I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening): A Guide to Grace-Filled Political Conversations by Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth A. Silvers. Join us for discussions on the book’s content and learnings from a faith perspective.

Lutheran Day at the Legislature
Lutherans and friends of Lutherans from across the state will gather at the Arizona Capitol in Wesley Bolin Plaza for a day of advocacy on Monday, February 10, 2025 from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm to learn, to witness, and voice our common needs in the public square, activating our faith in love.

Bishop Hutterer Visits NJLC
Grand Canyon Synod Bishop Deborah Hutterer is joining New Journey Lutheran Church for worship and fellowship. Bishop Deborah will preach and preside over communion. Following worship, join us for a light lunch, fellowship, and relationship-building with our Synodical Bishop.

2024 Annual Meeting
Join us after worship on Sunday, January 26, 2025 for our 2024 Annual Meeting. During this meeting, we will vote on the mission plan, elect new congregation council members, and address other church business.

Grand Canyon Synod MLK Worship Service
Join the Grand Canyon Synod in honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at a special Celebration of Diversity event on Sunday, January 19, 2025, from 3-5 pm. This commemorative service will be held at King of Glory Lutheran Church in Tempe, AZ.

2025 Mission Plan Zoom Meeting
Join us online for a special ZOOM meeting on Monday, January 6 at 5:30 pm to present and discuss the proposed 2025 Mission Plan. Click here for Zoom Link

Christmas Eve Worship with Cookies & Cocoa Fellowship
Join us this Christmas Eve as we remember and celebrate the joy of our Savior’s birth in worship. Following worship, all are welcome and invited to bring a favorite cookie to share for a cookie and cocoa fellowship time.

Mid-Week Advent Worship & Soup Supper
This Advent and Christmas season, our community gathers under the theme: “Words for the Beginning.” Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins.
You are invited to navigate this season of endings and beginnings on Wednesday evenings at 5:15 pm for Holden Evening Prayer and Community Soup Supper at 6:00 pm: December 4, 11, and 18.

Advent Bible Study
Join the Christian Education team, members and friends this Advent season for a Bible study on the Gospels, a deeper dive into the Gospel of Luke, and Mary’s Magnificat.
Session Three: Wednesday, December 18 at 10:00 am—Mary’s Magnificat Can Be a Dangerous Song

Mid-Week Advent Worship & Soup Supper
This Advent and Christmas season, our community gathers under the theme: “Words for the Beginning.” Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins.
You are invited to navigate this season of endings and beginnings on Wednesday evenings at 5:15 pm for Holden Evening Prayer and Community Soup Supper at 6:00 pm: December 4, 11, and 18.

Advent Bible Study
Join the Christian Education team, members and friends this Advent season for a Bible study on the Gospels, a deeper dive into the Gospel of Luke, and Mary’s Magnificat.
Session Two: Wednesday, December 11 at 10:00 am—Journeying with Luke: A deeper dive into the third Gospel with Rev. Terry Steeden and Pastor Beth Gallen

Mid-Week Advent Worship & Soup Supper
This Advent and Christmas season, our community gathers under the theme: “Words for the Beginning.” Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins.
You are invited to navigate this season of endings and beginnings on Wednesday evenings at 5:15 pm for Holden Evening Prayer and Community Soup Supper at 6:00 pm: December 4, 11, and 18.

Advent Bible Study
Join the Christian Education team, members and friends this Advent season for a Bible study on the Gospels, a deeper dive into the Gospel of Luke, and Mary’s Magnificat.
Session One: Wednesday, December 4 at 10:00 am—What are the Gospels? An overview of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John with Rev. Terry Steeden

16th Annual Fountain Hills Interfaith Thanksgiving 2025
Join your neighbors from the rich variety of Fountain Hills faith traditions as we gather for our 16th Annual Fountain Hills Interfaith Thanksgiving celebration on Sunday, November 24th at 2pm.
This year’s celebration will be at The Fountains, a United Methodist Church, 15300 N. Fountain Hills Blvd.

Hearts to Hands Women’s Group Gathering
Join the women of New Journey as we gather every six weeks for Bible study, prayer, and relationship-building. Our group, “Hearts to Hands,” focuses on spiritual growth and community outreach in Fountain Hills.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Meet the Authors: The Man in the Dog Park
Join co-authors Cathy Small and Ross Moore for a discussion of their book, “The Man in the Dog Park,” on Thursday, November 14th at 6:30 PM at Christ the Lord Lutheran Church, Carefree, AZ.

All Saints Sunday
Join us for the All Saints Worship Service on Sunday, November 3, 2024. During our worship service, we will take a moment to honor and remember the saints who have been baptized or passed away since the last All Saints Sunday in 2023.
Let us come together in remembrance and celebration of their spiritual journey and enduring legacy.

Reformation Sunday
Celebrate Reformation Sunday with Us!
We warmly invite you to join us for a special Sunday worship service for the Reformation led by Rev. Paul Ninneman.
Let’s come together to honor this important day in our faith tradition.
We hope to see you there.

Worship at New Journey
You’re Invited!
Join us every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM (Arizona Time) for our weekly church worship service. We gather to celebrate, reflect, and grow together in faith. This season, we are excited to be using the Narrative Lectionary, which is a four-year cycle of readings that moves through the biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation, helping us see the big picture of God’s work in the world.

Worship at New Journey
You’re Invited!
Join us every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM (Arizona Time) for our weekly church worship service. We gather to celebrate, reflect, and grow together in faith. This season, we are excited to be using the Narrative Lectionary, which is a four-year cycle of readings that moves through the biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation, helping us see the big picture of God’s work in the world.

Children’s Clothing Drive
We are excited to join our NEVC counterparts in collecting gently used jackets, coats, and close-toed shoes for children ages 4-10 at Casa M.
How You Can Help:
Bring any outgrown items from your kids, grandkids, etc. to church by October 10.
If unsure of shoe sizes, envision “about the size of a woman’s hand.”

Hearts to Hands Women’s Group Gathering
Join the women of New Journey as we gather every six weeks for Bible study, prayer, and relationship-building. Our group, “Hearts to Hands,” focuses on spiritual growth and community outreach in Fountain Hills.
We look forward to seeing you there!

World Communion Sunday—Joint Worship Service with The Fountains UMC
This year, we are excited to celebrate World Communion Sunday with a joint worship service alongside The Fountains United Methodist Church.
Please note that there will be NO WORSHIP at NJLC on this day.

5th Sunday Advocacy Day
We invite you to join us for our 5th Sunday Advocacy Letter Writing Event at New Journey. This event is an opportunity for our community to come together and make our voices heard on important issues that align with our faith and values.

God's Work. Our Hands. Sunday
Join us on September 8, 2024, at 10:00 am for a day of community service. We’ll be packing lunches, assembling kindness kits, and collecting food for those in need. Come connect with others, make a difference, and experience the joy of giving back. Bring your enthusiasm and any non-perishable food items you can donate. Together, we can make a significant impact!