News Blog
Arizona HB 2919 - “Yes, in God’s Backyard”
This proposal, which would allow eligible church property to be used for new rental housing is heading for a vote. ELCA has supported these bills in other states in an effort to address shortage of housing and to address homelessness. The primary sponsor of HB 2919 is Republican David Livingston, LD 28, with Democratic co-sponsorship from Sarah Ligouri, LD 5. If you have a position on this bill, now is the time to contact your state representatives to make your views known.
Refugee Update:
A hard copy of information about the refugee situation, based on the work of Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest and Global Refuge (former Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services) is posted on the bulletin board to the left of New Journey’s nametag rack. More resources are available here.
Lutheran Social Services points to Medicaid Cuts as another advocacy concern
“Right now, Congress is in discussion around the Federal budget. One big factor on the table is cuts to Medicaid, which provides healthcare to around 80 million Americans. The proposed budget would cut $880 billion over a 10 year period. Why is this happening, who would it affect, and what can we do? Here are some basic statistics on who receives Medicaid:
March 30, 2025: Fifth Sunday – Bread for the World Offering of Letters
New Journey members and friends have twice written in recent years to support Bread for the World’s annual offering of letters. In light of current federal budget cuts to national and international nutrition programs, and the Grand Canyon Synod’s #1 priority of addressing hunger, our upcoming letter focuses on domestic and world funding for hunger relief. Download a copy of the letter here.
IT IS NOT TOO LATE! Join the Grand Canyon Synod 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge!
You can still sign-up today! The focus of the challenge is on positive commitments for self and our neighbors. All details are at and also posted on the Red Door at New Journey.
New Journey Lutheran Church Strategic Planning for 2025:
This is the second in a series of short articles presenting the current philosophy of the congregation council and their strategic planning activities. Last month’s discussion provided an overview of New Journey’s strategic planning activities. These efforts are influenced by the work of scholars and practitioners at the Luther Seminary and elsewhere that can be described as the “pivot in posture” movement. The goal of this approach is to position congregations and the church at large to meet current and future challenges to the health of organized religious practice. There are four aspects of pivoting.
Soup & Study Photos + Council
Enjoy these photos from our recent Lenten Wednesday Night Soup & Study session and our new congregational council:
Introducing the Nominating Ministry Team: Building Up the Body of New Journey
New Journey’s Church Council has determined that a new ministry team needs to be established titled: Nominating Ministry Team. The Nominating Team is a dedicated group of church members tasked with the responsibility of identifying and recommending qualified individuals for various elected and non-elected positions, including but not limited to the congregation council, ministry leaders, and other key volunteer roles. The team works prayerfully in identifying congregation members to guide and lead our church’s ministries, fostering an environment of faith, love, and service.
Discerning our Future: Questions for our Community
During January's Annual Meeting, the Congregation Council made you aware of our lease agreement expiration and shared our intention to discern pathways forward for our congregation’s location. We shared our intention to reach out to members of our congregation for input, feedback, and wisdom. This letter is our first attempt at inviting you into the discernment of our congregation’s space and future.
February Council Meeting Minutes
To read the approved February Congregation Council meeting minutes, click here.
If you have questions, please contact any member of the Congregation Council.
Refugee Update
Thank you to those who joined in our “Pop-up” Letter-writing Sunday on February 23rd!
“The refugee program, created by Congress in 1980, is a form of legal migration to the U.S. for people displaced by war, natural disaster or persecution — a process administered by the United Nations – that often takes years and involves significant vetting. It is different from asylum, by which people newly arrived in the U.S. can seek permission to remain because they fear persecution in their home country.” (Associated Press) Refugees are *not* illegal border crossers. Lutheran Social Services only works with legal refugees and vetted, formally designated evacuees (e.g., post-war Afghans).
Join the Grand Canyon Synod 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge:
The Northeast Valley Consortium (Ascension, Christ the Lord, Living Water, New Covenant, and New Journey Lutheran Churches) is “all in!” for the 2025 Lenten Challenge. You can still sign-up today! The focus of the challenge is on positive commitments for self and our neighbors. Choose at least 3 of the 4 categories of challenge areas bolded below:
“Let the Little Children Come: Puppet Show
Let the Little Children Come: Puppet Show
With Amelia Gallen and Dorothy Schmidt
Vacation Notice
Pastor Beth will be on vacation on March 16 - March 21.
During her absence, if any pastoral emergencies arise, please reach out to Pastor Anna Rieke from Christ the Lord for assistance. Her contact information is:
office: (480)488-2081
cell: (206)291-8841
Thank you for your understanding and support!
Ash Wednesday
This year, we began our Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday (March 5) at 12:00 pm at New Journey Lutheran Church with a contemplative worship service. Alternatively, we joined our friends at The Fountains UMC at 6:30 pm for a joint, outdoor Ash Wednesday service around a bonfire.
Welcome Our New Council Members!
We are excited to announce the installation of our new council members, who were officially welcomed on Sunday, February 16th. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to the following individuals who have graciously stepped into their new roles:
March Staff Updates & Projects
Pastor Beth
Current Ministry Projects:
Planning & Facilitating Wednesday evening "Soup & Study"
Planned vacation: March 14-21
Walk for Water on March 22
Holy Week & Easter Planning
Current Ministry Projects:
Social Media Planning
Digital Advertising
Lent & Easter Planning
Current Ministry Projects:
Choir Leadership
Worship Leadership
Holy Week & Easter Worship Planning
Community Food Pack Photos
In just two hours, 376 community members came together in an incredible display of teamwork and compassion, setting up and packing an astounding 140,800 meals!
New Maintenance Form for Our Church
We've got a new Property/Facilities Maintenance Form to help keep our church in great shape! If you spot anything that needs fixing, like a leaky faucet, broken light, or if paper towels or toilet paper need replacing, just let us know using this form.
Ministry Team Introductions: Social Ministry Team
The Social Ministry Team is dedicated to supporting and connecting with our community, region, and the world. Our projects focus on feeding the hungry, helping kids succeed, supporting our neighbors, and advocating for social change. We believe in making a positive impact and bringing hope to those in need.