Learn more about our church by watching our ministry highlight
video that shows our “journey” as a congregation.
Do you have more questions? That’s great! We love questions at New Journey Lutheran Church, and invite you to reach out to Pastor Beth at pastorbeth@njlc-fh.org
Welcome to New Journey!

2024 Vision: “Telling the Story”
God’s Mission through New Journey Lutheran Church Prioritizes:
Meaningful Worship
Joyful Song
Relevant and Timely Prayer
Compassionate Care and relationship-building
Quilts for recently housed neighbors
Feeding the hungry
Collaborating in ministry with other faith communities
Contributing time, resources, labor and imagination to our surrounding neighborhood
Concentrating our attention and efforts for peace and justice
Putting our faith into the public square through advocacy efforts
Providing financial support for agencies and causes that work for social healing and peace
Affirming our openness and support of all people