Hunger Fellow Visit Reflection
Join Social Ministry team leader, Kris Bartanen and Pastor Beth on Monday, August 26 at 9:00 am by Zoom to debrief what we learned from Autumn and how our social ministries and advocacy work are impacted by her sharing. (Click for Zoom Link)
Summer Heat Respite Lunch Packs
As we gather in fellowship and service, we invite you to join us for a special event: Summer Heat Respite Lunch Packing Day! Let’s come together to make a difference in our community by preparing nutritious meals for those in need.
Summer Heat Respite Lunch Packs
As we gather in fellowship and service, we invite you to join us for a special event: Summer Heat Respite Lunch Packing Day! Let’s come together to make a difference in our community by preparing nutritious meals for those in need.
Packing Night - Heat Relief Bags
Join Arizona Faith Network for an afternoon of community service. Together we will pack heat relief bags for community members and cooling centers to hand out to those in need of heat relief. Donations are needed! You can donate funds to help AFN acquire supplies or purchase heat relief items listed below and bring them to our packing night.
Summer Heat Respite Lunch Packs
As we gather in fellowship and service, we invite you to join us for a special event: Summer Heat Respite Lunch Packing Day! Let’s come together to make a difference in our community by preparing nutritious meals for those in need.
"Fifth Sunday" Letter Writing
Our first letter-writing Sunday for 2024 is April 7 (deferred one week, due to Easter). We invite NJLC members and friends to sign on to letters that will be available before and after worship.
If you prefer to write an individual letter – whether to express your own reasons in support of particular actions or to express an alternative view – contact information for local and national legislators, and advocacy information, will be available for you to pick up and take home.