Pastor’s Pen |February 2023

I really enjoy developing goals. 

It has taken me years to figure this out, but I need to develop goals because I am easily distracted by possibilities and new ideas. I love new ideas. My imagination goes wild when someone comes forward and says something like: “Have you ever considered [fill in the blank] before? Might we try that out?” 

My instinct is to say “yes” and immediately jump into bringing the idea to fruition. This is a great gift, (for who doesn’t love seeing dreams come to life?), but this gift comes into conflict with seeing projects through to their completion. If we say “yes” to every idea, we lack focus, become distracted and are unable to finish what we start. So, I have learned the importance of developing goals to keep me grounded and focused in a world swirling with brilliant ideas and possibilities.

After prayer and discussion with the congregation council, I have outlined goals in three ministry areas fo 2023. These goals fall under three categories: Neighboring, Professional Development, & Administration. Here are a few key goals I will be working on this year:

  • Introduce myself and schedule visits with 4 neighbors located within a block of New Journey Lutheran Church as a way of exploring and establishing relationships in our local neighborhood.

  • Attend community events in Fountain Hills and be present in the community as a local faith leader.

  • Delegate 1-2 administrative tasks per week to staff or appropriate lay leaders. 

  • Develop and submit a personnel policy for the congregation council to address personnel concerns and needs and guide their leadership.

These are just a handful of goals. If you’re interested in reading the full list of 2023 goals, you can do that here.

Friends in Christ, I welcome your partnership in accomplishing these goals.  I welcome your support. Above all, I welcome your prayers.  Specifically, that God would work through these goals to share the love of Christ and teach me how to better serve New Journey Lutheran Church and our broader Fountain Hills community.

Onward together,

Pastor Beth Gallen 


Installation of Lily Harkness Memorial Stained Glass Artwork & Bibles


Community Food Pack Planned