Pastor’s Pen: August 2024
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen: August 2024

I was in first grade when I received communion for the first time. Before I could participate in the meal, though, I was required to attend classes and receive instruction from my pastor about the meaning of holy communion.

It occurs to me that you, beloved friends of New Journey Lutheran Church, likely received first communion instruction when you were a child, too. Perhaps you first received communion on the day you were confirmed around the age of 12 or 13. Church practices around holy communion have changed greatly in the span of 60 years. Not to mention how practices vary from denomination to denomination. As we’ve been exploring holy communion these last weeks in worship, I’ve wondered: to what extent does first communion instruction matter?

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Pastor’s Pen | June 2024
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | June 2024

Towards the close of 2023, the congregation council articulated a vision for our community: “Telling the Story.”

When we began thinking about this vision and how it would direct us in 2024, we were, primarily, focused on celebrating 10 years as an organized congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

For the first quarter of the year, “Telling the Story” related to remembering the last 10 years of our shared ministry: the people whose gifts deeply shaped us, the pivotal moments that defined us as a community, and celebrating God who has accompanied us in this journey of faith.

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Pastor’s Pen | May 2024
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | May 2024

“Mommy, how come we don’t get to see Jesus?” Amelia asked me one day on our way to the grocery story.

These kinds of questions often come out of the blue as we’re running errands or playing outside in the backyard. Questions that give me pause and make me wonder what to say and how to say in a way that my six year old might understand.

Lately, (perhaps because we’ve been in the season of Easter for seven weeks and talking about the resurrection of Jesus) Amelia has felt annoyed that the disciples were able to see and talk with Jesus, and we don’t have the same luxury. “It’s not really fair. I want to see, Jesus, too,” she complains.

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Pastor’s Pen | Grateful
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | Grateful

I wish to share a word of gratitude for the generosity of this congregation. I am grateful to God for your investment in my education as a first call pastor. In the ELCA, all first call pastors and deacons are required to attend theological education events twice per year in their first three years of ministry. As of April 10, I have completed the ELCA’s First Call Theological Education requirements. (Woohoo!)

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Pastor’s Pen | April 2024
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | April 2024

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

This is our rallying cry during the Easter season. The rallying cry of our faith.

It’s a group effort to cry these words in a world hell-bent on violence, destruction and oppression. Even as we celebrate the mystery of the empty tomb, we live in tension with a world that is not ok: our neighbors are lonely, one in 10 Arizonans face food insecurity, conflict in Gaza & Israel, Ukraine, Haiti rages, and we are managing our own illnesses, struggles, hardships, and worries. How can we proclaim: “Christ is Risen” with authentic hope and courage?

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Pastor’s Pen | February 2024
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen | February 2024

New Journey Lutheran Church is turning 10 this month—double digits! Praise God! Did we ever, in our wildest dreams, think this holy experiment of forming an organized ELCA congregation in the town of Fountain Hills—a town that has plenty of churches already-- would get this far?

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Pastor’s Pen |November 2023
Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran Pastor's Pen New Journey Lutheran

Pastor’s Pen |November 2023

As I write this Pastor’s Pen article, I am enjoying the tranquility and peace of the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale while attending the Bishop’s Fall Gathering with about 60 of my colleagues from around the Grand Canyon Synod.

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