Pastor’s Pen | September 2023

Sometimes, being a pastor in God’s church and world is overwhelming. There is always something to accomplish, a person to visit, a call to make, a meeting to prepare for, a sermon to write.

I think this might be true for every disciple, too. Sometimes, being a disciple, a follower of Jesus, in God’s church and world is overwhelming. There is always something to accomplish, a call to make, a person to connect with, a committee meeting to prepare for, a project to organize. As disciples, we are accomplished at doing the work of ministry. And sometimes, in the doing, we forget to hit the pause button and give thanks to God.

This happened to me a couple of weeks ago-- I was in a meeting with Susan Brahs, our Communication Coordinator, to review New Journey’s website. Our objective was to review the content of our website and make a list of the pages that need updating, but our mission was derailed. It was derailed by the photo gallery at the bottom of our website’s home page—a gallery of snapshots of our ministry together. Quilt blessings, fellowship in the beautiful spring weather, making health kits in worship for foster kids as part of our God’s Work, Our Hands celebration, Blue Christmas worship... As I scrolled through the photos, my heart filled with joy and gratitude.

We are blessed by God to live in community together. Not just to do ministry, but to be part of the body of Christ who worship and live and serve in God’s world. Through whom the blessing and love of God is made real to our neighbors and communities. Wow! I give thanks to God that I get to follow Jesus with you. You, people of New Journey Lutheran Church, fill me with hope.

I pray you experience a moment like this one—a moment where you notice how God is moving through your life or through this community of faith and it reminds you why you follow Jesus. I pray you are filled with awe and gratitude and hope for the journey God continues to lead us through—the journey of faith.

With gratitude and thanksgiving,

Pastor Beth


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