New Journey Hosts LAMA Kick-off

On Sunday, July 24, New Journey Lutheran Church hosted as guest preacher and fellowship discussant Ms. Solveig Muus, director of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona ( LAMA is the advocacy arm of the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. LAMA’s purpose is to speak up for justice in the areas of hunger, poverty, and the environment and particularly for those whose voices often go unheard.

In her first visit to New Journey, Muus explained LAMA’s role in connecting people and organizations, across faith affiliations, who are working for common goals such as Arizona Hunger Leaders Network, Arizona Food Systems Network, Arizona Food Banks Network, and Arizona Faith Network. She also explained Arizona’s distinctive “Request to Speak” option for input on bills before the State legislature and encouraged participation in the annual Lutheran Day at the Legislature.

Subsequently, as part of New Journey’s third heat respite lunch pack for summer 2023, 22 members completed an “offering of letters” as part of Bread for the World’s ongoing campaign in support of Fall 2023 reauthorization of the U.S. Farm Bill. Letters were sent to Senators Kelly and Sinema, and to Representative Schweikert to encourage their support of key components of this important, five-year legislation that supports such key programs as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the Emergency Food Assistance Program, and Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations.

To hear Solveig Muus’ presentation, please watch our worship service below.


Pastor’s Pen | September 2023


Farm Bill - Letter to the Editor