Pastor’s Pen | Grateful

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

I wish to share a word of gratitude for the generosity of this congregation. I am grateful to God for your investment in my education as a first call pastor. In the ELCA, all first call pastors and deacons are required to attend theological education events twice per year in their first three years of ministry. As of April 10, I have completed the ELCA’s First Call Theological Education requirements. (Woohoo!)

In my last first call event, I had the privilege of spending time with my first call colleagues, Bishop Deborah Hutterer of our Grand Canyon Synod, and Pastor Jacqui Pagel, Associate to the Bishop for Faith Formation and Candidacy at Pinerock Camp in Prescott, Arizona. We gathered around the topic of vision, mission, strategy, and leadership skills under the guidance of Pastor Sunitha Mortha, Associate to the Bishop of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod. The content was engaging, inspiring, and immensely helpful to me as I seek to support this congregation in questions and wonderings about our future.

Content aside, I want to illustrate your role in the formation of first call pastors and deacons in this church. When you make a financial gift to New Journey Lutheran Church, you are investing in the education of all first call pastors and deacons in our Grand Canyon Synod. First Call Theological events are expensive and are subsidized by the gifts of money congregations forward to Grand Canyon Synod. At New Journey, we commit a little over 10% of our expected giving to the Grand Canyon Synod. Which means a portion of your financial gifts to New Journey Lutheran Church are sent and stewarded by the Synod for first call theological education. Your gifts are helping to bring excellent educational content to our first call pastors and deacons. Further, you are helping to lower the cost of First Call Theological Events for all first call pastors and deacons. This is no small impact. Three years ago, when I began serving our congregation, we had a total of five first call pastors in our Grand Canyon Synod. Three years later, we have thirteen first call pastors, and the number continues to grow. 

Thank you for saying “yes” to a first call pastor. Thank you for supporting the continuing education of pastors in this Synod, and being church together. Your gifts make a difference in my formation and in the formation of all new pastors and deacons who have been entrusted with leading God’s people and serving the Church and world.

With a grateful heart for you,

Pastor Beth


Financial Update | First Quarter


April Staff Updates & Projects