Pastor’s Pen | November 2022

People of New Journey,

Someone once explained to me the difference between a “busy” calendar and a “full” calendar.

The difference, they explained, is that “busy” denotes hurriedness and unavailability, whereas “full” denotes abundance and possibility.

My calendar, as of late, has been felt abundant. Our family recently returned from a week of adventures in Maui. The week following, I had the pleasure of attending the Bishop’s Fall Gathering with other ordained clergy at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Paradise Valley. The very next week, we gathered in person at New Journey for our first adult study this fall and the discussion was rich and dynamic. Then, on the same day as New Journey’s adult study, the Northeast Valley Consortium hosted “Hope in a Troubled World: An Interfaith Prayer Gathering” over Zoom with guest speakers who shared stories of hope in the midst of immense suffering and pain.

It sounds like my calendar has been “busy”, but really, it’s been full.

How do I recognize the difference? Because my spirit is renewed. My spirit has been shored up by wonder and awe as I watched my kids play together on sandy beaches. It has been strengthened by listening to and speaking with my colleagues in ministry with whom I have not seen in person since 2019. My spirit has been jump-started by the people of New Journey who come to worship and study with openness and honest wrestling. My spirit has been broken open by heartbreaking stories and healed again by God’s people who are seeking to build a more just and loving world in God’s name.

As a community, we are entering into a season that might be considered “busy”—our beloved seasonal members are beginning to return to Fountain Hills, we are gathering for conversation and study on Wednesday mornings, the 2022 stewardship appeal is forthcoming, budgets are being considered, social ministry plans are coming together, and Advent & Christmas are on the horizon.

Perhaps, though, we need not think of this season as “busy” but rather “full”? Teeming with abundance and possibility. Overflowing with moments of wonder and awe, joy and delight. Because God is present in the midst of it all. Whether we are feeling hurried and busy or abundant and full, God is present. As we move through this season of our life together, it is God who keeps us, strengthens us, and renews our spirits.

Thanks be to God!

In fullness,

Pastor Beth


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