Join our card-writing project

New Journey Friends,  

You are invited to join in a card-writing project to send messages of welcome and support to thousands of individuals and families who have crossed borders seeking safety in the United States, but who are held in detention centers across the country this holiday season.

This project, in its eighth year, is sponsored by Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services ( You may join New Journey’s participation in one of three ways:

·       Join in a weekday card-writing gathering on Wednesday, November 16 at 11:00 or shortly thereafter, following that day’s Christian Education study session. Goodies will be provided!

·       Join in a Sunday card-writing gathering on Sunday, November 27 following worship. Goodies will be available!

·       Write cards on your own time, in your own home: You may have cards at home, or enjoy making cards, or want to take home a packet of cards available at church. Instructions are included. Please return your cards (no envelopes) back to church by Sunday, November 20.

A good-will contribution of $1-$5 to support in distributing the cards is welcome, but not required. We are not soliciting gifts, or funds for gifts, as a part of New Journey’s participation in the Hope for the HolidaysTM project. You can learn more at

Thanks for considering this work,

Deb Bigley and Kris Bartanen, for NJLC’s Social Ministry Team


Pastor’s Pen | December 2022


Pastor’s Pen | November 2022