News Blog
“Pop up” Letter-writing Sunday, February 2/23 for Refugee Support
What has happened:
Day 1 – President Trump issued executive orders – one to “pause” [cancel] from January 22 – April 30, all immigration travel. After 90 days, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State are to report on impact; every 90 days thereafter, another report; all to decide whether programs are worth continuing. So, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW, as an example refugee support agency) is to receive no further refugees.
Reminder: Food for Kidz – Wednesday, February 26
Food for Kidz, is this Wednesday, February 26! We have 75 dedicated core volunteers ready to set up, and 290 packing volunteers prepared to make a difference.
NJLC Strategic Planning for 2025: An Introduction
One of the roles of the Congregation Council Treasurer is to encourage and assist the Council and Congregation in long-range planning. This is one way a congregation avoids “gulping down” their resources and preparing for what God has in store for us. As the shop-worn trope says, “if you fail to plan you plan to fail.” Of course, we know that God provides for our needs, but one of the ways that happens is to give us foresight and tools to address the challenges, near and far, which are always present.
Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission Video (aka Rock Point Mission)
The video from the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission, also known as Rock Point Mission, explores the concept of "hózhó," which is central to Navajo (or Diné) philosophy. Hózhó represents beauty, order, and harmony, and embodies the pursuit of balance in life. The mission envisions a future guided by hózhó and invites visitors, donors, and congregants to join them in this journey towards a harmonious and balanced community.
Embracing the Lenten Challenge: Four Practices to Deepen Your Journey
As we enter the season of Lent, many of us seek ways to deepen our spiritual journey and connect more meaningfully with our faith. The Lenten Challenge offers a structured approach to this, focusing on four key practices that can transform our daily lives. Here’s how you can participate:
Bishop Hutterer Invites You to the 2025 Lenten Challenge
Bishop Hutterer has recorded a special invitation video encouraging participation in the 2025 Lenten Challenge! This friendly, faith-deepening challenge connects us in daily spiritual practices while supporting safe drinking water efforts at the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission (NELM) in Rock Point, AZ. Watch the video, share it with your congregation, and join the challenge today!
Ash Wednesday Worship: March 5
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the journey through the season of Lent. It is the day ashes, in the form of the cross, are imposed upon our heads and we are reminded that we are “dust and to dust we shall return”. On this day, we hold in tension our mortality and the gift of new creation that God grants through the death and glorious resurrection of Christ.
Annual Meeting Minutes
Thank you to all who participated in the 2025 Annual Meeting. We give thanks to God for the leadership of Cindi Brady, the Congregation President, and the whole council for their work in facilitating a good-spirited and productive Annual Meeting. The council approved the minutes from the Annual Meeting Minutes which are available for your review here
January Council Meeting Minutes
To read the approved January Congregation Council meeting minutes, click here.
If you have questions, please contact any member of the Congregation Council.
Pastor’s Pen: February
Recently, I participated in a community theatre production of William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. The production was directed by my former high school theatre teacher, and the cast included individuals ranging from ages 12 to 70. On a personal note, it was a delight to be immersed in the processes of character building, blocking, and engaging as a cast to tell a story.
Gabby Gillam Baptism
We are delighted to share that Gabby Gillam was baptized at New Journey on January 26, 2025. It was a joyous occasion filled with love and community spirit. Here are some photos capturing the beautiful moments from that special day.
Bucket List for February 2025
February is a month of love and reflection. As we move deeper into the year, it's a wonderful time to nurture relationships and celebrate the small joys in life. Here's a bucket list to help you make the most of February with our New Journey community.
CANCELLED: February 17 “Hands to Hearts” Women’s Group
Dear women of New Journey,
With regret, the February 17 Hands to Hearts Women’s Group is cancelled. Pastor Beth will be in touch by email to schedule a new meeting date in April.
Thank you for understanding.
Lent Soup & Study: “Looking at Luke”
The Lenten season, the Christian Education team invites you to join us on Wednesday evenings for Soup & Study.
Beginning March 12 at 5:00 pm, we’ll gather in the fellowship space for a community soup supper and a Bible study on the gospel of Luke.
NEVC Steering Committee Highlights
The Steering Committee also discussed the potable water project at Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission at Rock Point; summer 2025 heat respite lunch pack planning (again supported by a generous grant from Ascension Lutheran); recent support (furnishings) for two families moving from episodic homelessness into apartments, in collaboration with the Paiute Neighborhood Center in Scottsdale; needs for support for teachers and food supplies at Casa de la Misericordia asylum shelter in Nogales; and the upcoming Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest "Building Foundations" luncheon on February 27 at Marriott Phoenix Airport (if you would like to attend, please contact New Journey's "connectors": Sharon and Harry Vaughn).
Northeast Valley Consortium Gears Up for 2025 Lenten Challenge
The Northeast Valley Consortium Steering Committee met January 29, 2025. The five congregations are collaborating to generate involvement in the 2025 Grand Canyon Synod 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge.
Support Food for Kidz
If you weren’t able to participate in the November Food for Kidz Giving Day, this Sunday will be another wonderful opportunity to financially support this important cause. Your contributions make a real difference in the fight against food insecurity both locally and globally. This Sunday, with a $50 donation to Food for Kidz, you can purchase a walking stick, expertly handcrafted by Roger Westland.
Cleaning Service
We are delighted to announce that our church has partnered with a professional cleaning service to ensure our space remains spotless and welcoming. Starting this month on February 10th, a dedicated cleaning team will visit us every two weeks on Mondays at 9 AM.
Visit from Bishop Deborah Hutterer
Last Sunday, we welcomed Bishop Deborah Hutterer to our congregation. She shared inspiring stories about the global church, highlighting the impact of our mission dollars on the Lutheran Church in Senegal and Mexico. Her visit reminded us of the importance of our collective efforts and the far-reaching effects of our support.
Vacation Notice
Pastor Beth will be vacation on February 12th and 13th. She will be back at worship on Sunday, February 16th.
During her absence, if any pastoral emergencies arise, please reach out to Pastor Anna Rieke from Christ the Lord for assistance. Her cell phone is: (206) 291-8841