“Pop up” Letter-writing Sunday, February 2/23 for Refugee Support

What has happened:

  • Day 1 – President Trump issued executive orders – one to “pause” [cancel] from January 22 – April 30, all immigration travel. After 90 days, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State are to report on impact; every 90 days thereafter, another report; all to decide whether programs are worth continuing. So, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW, as an example refugee support agency) is to receive no further refugees.

  • At present, however, LSS-SW has many folks who arrived within the last 90 days. Specifically, from Nov 1, 2024 – Jan 21, 2025: 259 LEGAL refugees (82 families) arrived in Phoenix; 129 refugees (48 families) arrived in Tucson.

  • Then, on January 24, the Secretary of State issued a “stop work” memo directing that no client or administrative expenses can be incurred after January 24. So Global Refuge [GR] & Episcopal Migration Ministries [EMM] – both of which subcontract to LSS-SW for refugee support – receive no more funding. Thus, LSS cannot bill for any work to support refugees who are already here.

  • Global Refuge (only in Phoenix, not Tucson) is going to use private money to pay direct expenses of anyone who came in January – e.g., February rent, food, utilities. They cannot pay LSS-SW for staff time (indirect expenses). LSS-SW in Tucson works with EMM; EMM does not have the deep pockets that GR has so cannot provide either direct or indirect expenses. As one illustration, this is an $870,000 immediate loss to LSS-SW.

Please see the attached draft letter below to be signed and sent to Senators Gallego and Kelly, and to Representative Schweikert. Given this is a federal issue, any member of New Journey - both year-round and seasonal - can sign these letters on Sunday, February 23rd. As always, you may write your own letter in support (perhaps also to your home state legislators) or write from a different point of view. Thank you for your support of putting our voices as Lutherans into the public square.


Ministry Team Introductions: Social Ministry Team


Reminder: Food for Kidz – Wednesday, February 26