Ash Wednesday Worship: March 5

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the journey through the season of Lent. It is the day ashes, in the form of the cross, are imposed upon our heads and we are reminded that we are “dust and to dust we shall return”. On this day, we hold in tension our mortality and the gift of new creation that God grants through the death and glorious resurrection of Christ.

Bonfire for Ash Wednesday at Fountains

This year, you are invited to begin your Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday (March 5) at 12:00 pm at New Journey Lutheran Church for a contemplative worship service. Alternatively, we have been invited to worship with our friends at The Fountains UMC at 6:30 pm for a joint, outdoor Ash Wednesday service around a bon fire.

If you choose to attend the joint worship service at The Fountains UMC, please bring your folding chair, a flashlight and warm clothing. The Fountains UMC is located at 15300 N. Fountain Hills Blvd, Fountain Hills, 85268.

Blessings upon your journey.


Bishop Hutterer Invites You to the 2025 Lenten Challenge


Annual Meeting Minutes