Pastor’s Pen | May 2022

Every first call ELCA pastor is required to attend a continuing education event called “First Call Theological Education” (FCTE) on a bi-annual basis for three years. 

The week following Easter Sunday, I had the distinct pleasure of attending FCTE with five of my colleagues, Pastor Jacqui Pagel and Bishop Deborah Hutterer from the Grand Canyon Synod. We gathered at Ascension Lutheran in Paradise Valley for two and a half days under the theme: “How to Ask the Hard Questions”. The logic in choosing this theme was that seminary education is not designed to teach you everything you need to know about how to serve as a pastor or a deacon in this church. We learn a great many things in seminary, and some of it we even remember once we enter into our contexts, but leaving seminary and entering into ordained ministry is bit like being pushed out of the nest as a newly hatched bird. Instinct will eventually kick in, but you need to exercise those wings to take flight.  

And we, newly hatched pastors, are still learning how to be pastors.  I suspect we will learn our whole careers. Right now, though, there are many questions we don’t know how to ask: where do we find support that will suit  the hopes and dreams of our communities? How do we renegotiate our benefits package? When and under what circumstances does the Bishop want to hear from us?  

These were just a few of the topics we explored as a group, and I came away from FCTE encouraged and filled with hope. My colleagues are incredibly wise and we have been called to serve incredible communities of faith. For me, though, I am thankful to God that the Spirit pushed me out of the nest at New Journey Lutheran Church. 

We are still learning how to take flight together, and God is with us in our learning. I am looking forward to wherever the Spirit takes us next. 

For now, keep the faith, trusting that it is faith which keeps us. 


Pastor Beth   


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