New Journey Lutheran Exceeds Lenten Gifts Goal

New Journey Lutheran Church exceeded its 2022 Lenten social ministry goal by 30%, contributing 12 environmentally friendly cook stoves and 17 ceramic water filters through the ECLA Good Gifts program. Framed by the congregation’s focus on “God’s Abundance” during the 5-week Lenten period – with attention in turn to faithfulness, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and love during Wednesday evening services – this project supports public health in the developing world.


Some 3 billion people cook on open fires or on stoves fueled by wood, kerosene, animal dung, or plastic which results in about 4 million premature deaths. More efficient stoves use fuels that maintain better heat, produce less smoke, and reduce risks to health. Some 900 million people in the developing world lack safe water, with 2.2 million dying annually – more than half of them children under six – due to waterborne diseases. Simple ceramic filters purify water without chemicals or electricity, providing safe water and saving lives.


New Journey Lutheran’s Lenten services allowed participants to explore new forms of prayer - visio divina, sung prayer, bidding prayer, prayer with movement, and prayer with anointing. The congregation welcomes community members in the coming week to Palm Sunday and Holy Week services; information is available at


New Journey social ministry will focus on hunger in the weeks ahead, providing rice, beans, and flour for the Casa Misericordia shelter in Nogales, Mexico in early May; packing heat respite lunches for Grace Lutheran Church in Phoenix in June, July, and August; and maintaining ongoing support to Extended Hands Food Bank.


Pastor Beth Gallen offers: “By God's grace, we get to do God's work with our hands. The good people of New Journey Lutheran are eager to share their resources, labor, and imagination to care for our neighbors, especially our neighbors who are most vulnerable. I am grateful to serve alongside this community committed to love in action. 

 Gwen Rubenow


Pastor’s Pen | May 2022


New Journey Lutheran Quilters