Lutheran Social Services points to Medicaid Cuts as another advocacy concern

“Right now, Congress is in discussion around the Federal budget. One big factor on the table is cuts to Medicaid, which provides healthcare to around 80 million Americans. The proposed budget would cut $880 billion over a 10 year period. Why is this happening, who would it affect, and what can we do? Here are some basic statistics on who receives Medicaid:

36.8 million children receive Medicaid. Nationally, nearly 41% of children living in rural areas rely on Medicaid, while 38% of children in urban areas rely on Medicaid.

7.2 million older adults, among them 756,000 nursing home residents;
14 million rural residents; and
• 8.4 million adults with disabilities.

As a reminder, Medicaid in Arizona is called AHCCCS (Arizona HealthCare Cost Containment System). Over 2 million Arizonans utilize AHCCS with full or partial coverage to help them meet their basic needs. LSS-SW serves many families and individuals who rely on Medicaid to meet their basic needs for healthcare and support.”

YOU can advocate in support of those in need:

·         Personal stories are very effective. If you or someone you know has benefitted from utilizing Medicaid, your story is important and impactful. 

·         Call or email Rep. Schweikert to urge him to vote No Cuts or Caps to Medicaid.

o   Vitalyst resource for more information on proposed changes and impacts.

o   Talking points from LSA  (Lutheran Services of America)

·         “Cuts to Medicaid would affect how the State budgets as well, since States will have to determine how much they can cover, so making a connection with the Governor's office letting her know that you are concerned about this issue is another way to advocate.” Governor Hobbs contact form


Refugee Update:


March 30, 2025: Fifth Sunday – Bread for the World Offering of Letters