Refugee Update:
A hard copy of information about the refugee situation, based on the work of Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest and Global Refuge (former Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services) is posted on the bulletin board to the left of New Journey’s nametag rack. More resources are available here.
The stop work order and executive order freezing foreign aid have resulted in LSS-SW laying off 48 staff members (e.g., case aides, language interpreters) and no funds available for the 90-day safety net promised to vetted, legal refugees. Individual and congregations have donated $350,000 toward $430,000 goal to provide support. As of 3.19.25, all current rents and support payments have been made for newly arrived refugees.
Federal District Court in Seattle, in response to lawsuit, ordered dollars to be paid for work done in November and December 2025; LSS-SW has received approximately $600,000 for work done to support pre-November arrivals with special needs, about half of what is due to them.
After careful review, LSS-SW has discontinued the Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP), effective March 30, 2025.