Save the date: 2025 Food for Kidz Food Pack

Mark your calendars for New Journey’s 13th Food for Kidz Food Pack.  The 2025 event will be held on Wednesday, February 26.  The New Journey Lutheran Church Food for Kidz Team met May 29.  The following Goals were set for 2025:

  • Recruit 240 volunteers to fill all of the tables

  • Develop a Fundraising Plan (Council approved by September 2024)

  • Develop a Publicity Action Plan

Additional discussion included development of a Fundraising Team, Volunteer Recruitment Team, and Publicity Team.  These teams would include a coordinator and other members, either from New Journey Lutheran or our broader community.  Job descriptions will be developed and contact resources will be provided for each of these teams. 

Jo Martinson and Dorothy Schmidt work at the Extended Hands Food Bank every Friday. Jo states, “we were thrilled and proud to see our Food For Kids oatmeal packets in a cart there! They were being put in the bread bags handed out to clients.” 

NJLC Food for Kidz Planning Team:  Brenda Galendiz, Nancy McGarry, Denny Rubenow, Gwen Rubenow, Pastor Gallen


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