Pastor’s Pen | July 2022

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), of which New Journey Lutheran Church is a member congregation, has set a new mission and vision for this denominational church body. 

The goal is to “share the story of Jesus and the ELCA by engaging with 1 million new people as we grow the church together.” The goal comes out of a larger purpose of activating each of us so more people know the way of Jesus and discover community, justice, and love. This goal and purpose are umbrellaed under the vision for a “world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation.” You can read in more detail about the ELCA’s Mission & Vision, here

I must say, I am both encouraged and unsure of this goal, purpose, and vision. I am on board with sharing the love of Jesus, engaging with our neighbors, and being part of the difference God’s grace and love in Christ makes in the world. I do not take issue with the objectives and hope this Mission & Vision intends. The world, after all, needs the kind of healing and wholeness offered to us in Christ. And we, by virtue of faith in Christ, are called to share this love through our various gifts and skills and abilities.  

The part I am unsure of is whether we might get mixed up and think this new Mission & Vision is intended to grow church membership. If this new goal is about convincing people to come to our church, buy into our brand of Christianity, and start making financial gifts so that we can pay the bills and balance the yearly budget, I’m not so sure.  

But, if this goal is about getting clear and naming how we have experienced Jesus in our lives, if it’s about sharing our experiences of grace and hope with our weary neighbors, if it’s about discovering God’s peace in unexpected people and places, if it’s about mutual relationship, then yes. I think this is something we are equipped and challenged to do.  

So, people of New Journey Lutheran Church, are we willing to enter into the uncertainty and excitement of this new mission and vision? Are we willing to enter into this broader invitation to share the story of Jesus and the ELCA by engaging with 1 million new people? How might we do that? How might we dream up what engagement with new people looks like in Fountain Hills, Arizona?  

Let’s pray. Let’s talk. Let’s ask questions and share and wonder. Let’s listen deeply for the voice of God in our midst and keep the faith. We might be surprised and delighted to learn that God has been waiting for us in unexpected people and places all along. 

With love for each of you, 

Pastor Beth  


New Journey Addresses Hunger Needs


Pastor’s Pen | June 2022