IT IS NOT TOO LATE! Join the Grand Canyon Synod 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge!

“The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought,

And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden,

And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” Isaiah 58:11

You can still sign-up today! The focus of the challenge is on positive commitments for self and our neighbors. All details are at and also posted on the Red Door at New Journey.

In particular, the 2025 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge seeks to support the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission (NELM) project to get potable water to the nearly half of mission residents who lack that precious resource. Read Patterson Yazzie’s letter here. Learn more about NELM here (this is a YouTube link; you can also go to and scroll about 2/3rds down on the “Home” page to find the “Walking Together” video). The native population of the mission is approximately 2,000 so this $110,000 project is significant. What can you do?

1.      Donate today to Lutheran Disaster Response, designated for NELM, which has committed to steward the NELM water project to completion; it is our opportunity to help provide the funds for LDR to do so.

2.      Saturday, March 22: Join the Northeast Valley Consortium (NEVC) Churches’ Walk for Water on World Water Day, at Gateway Trailhead, 31402 N 136th St., Scottsdale at 9:00 a.m. Just show up! There will be a sweet treat to get you started on a short, accessible path (1/4 or ½ mile options) or on a longer trail hike. For details, click HERE .

image credit: Kris Bartanen

3.      Through Sunday, March 23: Sponsor the NEVC Walkers, with funds to go to Lutheran Disaster Response, designated for the NELM water project. A short pledge form is available at New Journey. Payment can be to New Journey through the regular online portal or in the Sunday offering on March 23, marked clearly for NELM. (You can also continue to bring clean, new or used, re-usable water bottles; please place them in the small bin by the Red Door.)

4.      Thursday, April 17: Join the NEVC combined Maundy Thursday Celebration, at noon, at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center, 7415 E. Elbow Bend Road, Carefree. Pr. Beth Gallen and Pr. Anna Rieke, of Christ the Lord, will co-lead the service, which will include foot washing and communion. While there, you might also walk the Islands of Silence, the Labyrinth in the Desert, or the Campbell Prayer Pathway. A carpool interest list is now available at New Journey.


March 30, 2025: Fifth Sunday – Bread for the World Offering of Letters


New Journey Lutheran Church Strategic Planning for 2025: