Creative Writing Exercise: The Stories We Live In

The Stories We Live In: A Creative Writing Exercise  

By Debie Thomas 

Spend twenty minutes writing two versions of a story. You might begin with a lament or longing. Something you had hoped would be different in your life or in the world. This is a story that makes it hard for you to continue in the journey of faith. A story that makes you feel less than bold in your baptismal promises. In as much detail as you can, write down this story. 

When you’re done, invite Jesus to sit down and offer this story back to you. If Jesus were to tell this story, what might he include that you’ve left out? Really lean into your imagination here—allow the push and pull of real conversation to happen. Banter with Jesus, if you want to. Let him ask you questions. Ask him questions back. Push, laugh, argue, yell. ENGAGE—and as you do trust that the Holy Spirit is fully present, guiding you. 

As Jesus retells your story, what tiny moments of grace catch your breath? What hints of light, surprise, stillness, delight do you notice? What angle does he have that you don’t? What broader contexts of scripture or wisdom or memory or hope can he offer? In short, allow the Risen Christ to gift you with his version of your story. 


Pastor’s Pen |November 2023


Mesa's "Off the Streets" Program