Thanks for the Summer Heat Respite Lunch Pack!

More thanks! What a great crew of 20 New Journeyans to launch the 2024 Summer Heat Respite Lunch Pack Series for Grace Lutheran in downtown Phoenix! Our Northeast Valley Consortium partners - Deb Slack and Kay Krueger from Christ the Lord, Karen Olson from Ascension, and Mary and Dave Cole from New Covenant - were impressed by the joyful and efficient process. Thanks again to Jane for bread, Deb & Ron for veggies, Lou & Nancy for slicing ham, Lou for delivery, and Pr. Beth and the Bigleys for serving as volunteers to distribute the lunches down at Grace. New Journey's pallet of water (1,920 bottles) has already been delivered, and 200 individual servings of electrolyte powder was delivered along with the lunches.

See you again on Monday, July 1, 9:00 for our second 2024 lunch pack!


Empowering Refugee Artisans


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