Thank You for Making a Difference on G.W.O.H. Sunday!
THANK YOU to all who participated in God’s Work. Our Hands. Sunday on September 8. Our small, but mighty crew prepared 24 Kindness Kits for and packed 200 lunches for Arizona Faith Network’s Wesley United Methodist Church heat respite center in South Phoenix. We also contributed food for the Islamic Speaker’s Bureau of Arizona 9/11 Memorial Multi-Faith food drive, with our contributions going to Extended Hands Food Bank.
Special thanks to Lou and Nancy for delivering the lunches and leftovers, electrolytes, and 80 pounds of bananas on Monday morning; to Jane for her third-time gathering of bread; to Thrivent and to a few quiet NJLC donors who contributed to these projects; to the “line leaders” in each of our packing lines; to Shirley for lovely music; and to those who helped with clean-up.
When the kindness kits went down to CircletheCity on Monday morning, the staff member receiving them noted joyfully that he’d just received a call from one their nearby clinics saying that they were out of kits; they were coming over shortly to put ours to immediate use! He was also very happy to receive all of our t-shirts, letting me know that another clinic site had reported being out of clean clothing for clients. (Since we collaborated with NEVC partner Christ the Lord on the kindness kits, it was also fun to know that their social ministry chair was arriving minutes behind me with 180 additional kits they had completed in Carefree on G.W.O.H. Sunday.)

Photo Credit: Mike Wilson