New Journey Volunteer Opportunities

Step outside your comfy zone!

  1. Grand Canyon Hunger Leaders Network:  The NEVC meeting also included an update from Solveig Muus on the Grand Canyon Synod Hunger Leaders Network. This group meets virtually on the last Tuesday of every month from 6:00 pm - 7:00 to support all hunger-related efforts among synod congregations. Addressing hunger is the top priority of the Grand Canyon Synod and we can learn more about collaborative opportunities to do our part more effectively. New Journey needs to name a representative to this group! Please let Pr. Beth know of your interest.

  2. Family Promise at Fountains UMC:  Thank you to Brenda, Jane, and Liz for joining Kris in cooking dinner meal components to support Fountains UMC in their October 6-12th  overnight hosting of 3-4 families experiencing an episode of homelessness who are working to return to being housed. The next opportunity is December 8-14. How can you learn more? Sign-on to bring food, join a supper one evening to visit with the families, come for supper and get a short tour. Let one of us know and we’ll get you connected.

  3.  Lutheran Social Services of the SouthwestLSS is establishing a “Connector” network for both its Phoenix and Tucson locations to strengthen communication about LSS needs and opportunities among church and other partners across the region. The group plans to meet seven times per year (5 via Zoom and 2 in-person; the next meeting is November 1, 10-12, in Casa Grande). Kris has attended twice, but needs fewer meetings; please let Pr. Beth or Kris know of your interest.


Upcoming Ministry Team Meetings - October


Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest Update: