Narrative Lectionary Coming this Fall

On Sunday, September 8 we begin our our journey through the Narrative Lectionary (NL) in worship.

An alternative to the Revised Common Lectionary, the NL, is a four-year cycle of Bible readings. On the Sundays from September through May each year the readings follow the sweep of the biblical story, from Creation through the early Christian church.

What stories will we read together?

September’s appointed scripture passages are listed below:

September 8: Creation and Fall—Genesis 2:4b-7; 3-18

September 15: God’s Promise to Abraham—Genesis 15:1-6

September 22: God Works through Joseph—Genesis 37:3-8,17b-22, 26-34; 50:15-21

September 29: The Promise of Passover—Exodus 12:1-13;13:1-8

Are you curious to see where the Narrative Lectionary will take us this year?

Click here to explore the full scope of this year’s readings.


The Worship and Music team would be happy to help answer them. Contact Pastor Beth, Jamie Asmus, Cindi Brady, Paul Ninneman, Ron Schwartau, and Mary Shore.


“I Love to Tell the Story” Hymn Sing: Sunday, September 1


June Council Meeting Minutes