Life Passages | Remembering Hosea Harkness

Family of faith,

On Monday, February 19, beloved friend and member, Hosea Harkness completed his baptismal journey and joined God and all the saints in glory.

For those knew Hosea, he is remembered as a gentle soul with amazing stories of traveling the world for his work in agriculture. He is remembered, also, for his undying love and devotion to his wife, Lily who died in 2020. Many in our community did not have an opportunity to know Hosea in this earthly life, and that is ok. The fruits of his and Lily’s generosity continue to touch our community in significant ways: their gifts enabled us to commission and install the stained-glass artwork of the loaves & fishes at the entrance of our worship space, to purchase Lutheran Study Bibles to enhance our Christian education and spiritual growth and paid for the majority of our 10 Year Anniversary Celebration. Their generosity of spirit and faithfulness have shaped us as a community.

In my last phone conversation with Hosea, just about a week before he died, Hosea assured me: “I am at peace.” Yes, he is at peace, and for this we give thanks to God. Well done good and faithful servant—rest in God’s care.

With assurance,

Pastor Beth


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