Join the Worship & Music Team

Worship is an integral part of our shared life together.

Worship is where the good news of God’s love for the world in Jesus is proclaimed and shared in water, word, bread, and wine. It is time set aside in our weekly schedules to retreat with God in the company of a loving, welcoming and hospitable community. It’s also a place where our deepest needs, fervent hopes, urgent prayers and questions are brought before God in the safety of community.

Worship renews our faith for life in God’s world.

The Worship & Music team works together to shape meaningful, contextual worship experiences. Every four to six weeks, the team gathers to make choices in the words we say, the prayer formats we use, and the music we sing. We discuss and decide upon the worship themes for Advent, Christmas, Lent & Easter based upon our community’s faith journey.

The team invites you to consider joining us in our work of curating and shaping worship at New Journey. We are looking for people who are creative, community-minded, and interested in using their gifts and talents to contribute to our worship life.

If this sounds like something you’d like to participate in, we invite you to join us for our next Worship & Music meeting on Tuesday, July 23 at 1:30 pm in the fellowship space.


Coming this Fall: Narrative Lectionary


Pastor’s Pen | July 2024