Join the Grand Canyon Synod 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge:

“The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought,

 And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden,

 And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” Isaiah 58:11

The Northeast Valley Consortium (Ascension, Christ the Lord, Living Water, New Covenant, and New Journey Lutheran Churches) is “all in!” for the 2025 Lenten Challenge. You can still sign-up today! The focus of the challenge is on positive commitments for self and our neighbors. Choose at least 3 of the 4 categories of challenge areas bolded below:

  1. Daily Devotion: a scriptural devotion will be e-mailed to you each morning beginning on Ash Wednesday (or subsequent to your registration date).

  2. Daily Diligence: something you commit to for the Lenten period. You don’t have to be a saint to participate; just keep going, even when you might miss a day. For a list of examples of daily diligence activities (feel free to choose your own activity; it is not made public), click HERE.

  3. Daily Donation: Commit to donate at least $1.00 (per individual, or family) per each of 40 days of Lent to Lutheran Disaster Relief, designated for the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission at Rock Point ( project to bring potable drinking water to the approximately 50% of reservation residents living without it. View the NELM video here.

  4. Daily Dedication: something that you commit to do with others during the Lenten period. For a list of possible dedication activities, click HERE. In support of relationship building among our five congregations, the Northeast Valley Consortium invites you to these scheduled dedication activities:

    a.      Sunday, March 2: Thank you Brenda, Liz, and Jane for visiting Christ the Lord  on our Transfiguration Sunday “Pew Exchange.” (New Covenant visitors plan to visit New Journey after Easter.)

    b.     Throughout Lent: Learn about water issues; a resource list is HERE . View the NELM video here (this is a YouTube link; you can also go to and scroll about 2/3rds down on the “Home” page to find the “Walking Together” video).

c.     Saturday, March 22: Join the NEVC Walk for Water on World Water Day, at Gateway Trailhead, 31402 N 136th St., Scottsdale at 9:00 a.m. (Shea to Frank Lloyd Wright to Thompson Peak Parkway). Just show up! There will be a sweet treat to get you started on a short, accessible path or on longer trail hikes. For details, click HERE. A carpool interest list will be posted at New Journey.

d.     Through Saturday, March 22: Sponsor the NEVC Walkers, with funds to go to Lutheran Disaster Relief, designated for the Navajo Evangelical Mission water project. A short pledge form will be available at New Journey; payment will be to New Journey through regular online portal or in the Sunday offering, marked clearly for NELM.

e.      Through Sunday March 23: Bring *clean* (new or used) reusable water bottles (to church or to the water walk) for NEVC donation to persons experiencing homelessness in the Phoenix area; the goal is to help neighbors stay hydrated and reduce single use water bottle waste. For details, click HERE.

f.        Thursday, April 17: Join the NEVC combined Maundy Thursday Celebration, at noon, at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center, 7415 E. Elbow Bend Road, Carefree. Pr. Beth Gallen and Pr. Anna Rieke, of Christ the Lord, will co-lead the celebratory service. While there, you might also walk the Islands of Silence, the Labyrinth in the Desert, or the Campbell Prayer Pathway. A carpool interest list will be posted in advance at New Journey.


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