Introducing the Nominating Ministry Team: Building Up the Body of New Journey

New Journey’s Church Council has determined that a new ministry team needs to be established titled: Nominating Ministry Team. The Nominating Team is a dedicated group of church members tasked with the responsibility of identifying and recommending qualified individuals for various elected and non-elected positions, including but not limited to the congregation council, ministry leaders, and other key volunteer roles. The team works prayerfully in identifying congregation members to guide and lead our church’s ministries, fostering an environment of faith, love, and service.

The team begins with three (3) members: Pete Galindez, Steve and Cindi Brady.

Our first task will be to identify a female representative for the 2025 Synod Assembly in Las Vegas, June 12-13 (Thursday-Friday). This year’s theme is “Building Up the Body”. We are reviewing our 2025 Church Directory for names to consider. We will be reaching out to those individuals in the next week as early bird registration closes on April 7th.

Please click the link read all about the 2025 Synod Assembly in June. It is filled with all kinds of exciting information.

We will continue to share our team’s work as it focuses on other positions we need to fill as the year unfolds. We are asking for your prayers and open hearts as our team works towards fulfilling the ministries of New Journey with dedicated and faithful church members doing God’s work in our community and world.

In faithful service,

Pete, Steve and Cindi


Soup & Study Photos + Council


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