God’s Work. Our Hands. Sunday
It’s “all hands on deck!” for God’s Work. Our Hands. Sunday, September 8:
New Journey’s 10:00 a.m. service will include 3 hands-on projects. Please join us for a joyful and difference-making morning as we, together:
Pack 200 lunches to be delivered to Wesley United Methodist Church in South Phoenix, one of 14 sites of Arizona Faith Network’s 2024 heat respite project. Like Grace Lutheran, and their partner First United Church of Christ, in Central Phoenix – where New Journey’s first 600 lunches of the summer were distributed – WUMC serves persons experiencing homelessness at their location and via smaller nearby hubs. Wesley’s heat respite coordinator noted last week: “Thank you so so much for all this. You guys have no idea how this has helped carry things.”
Pack 24 Kindness Kits for Circle the City. Circle the City provides healthcare to individuals facing homelessness in Maricopa County. New Journey is joining with Northeast Valley Consortium partner, Christ the Lord – Carefree, to provide the kits so that those who receive care are able to take with them useful personal care items to bolster their health and well-being. This project is funded by a grant from Thrivent and a private donation.
Once again, bring non-perishable food items for the annual Islamic Speakers Bureau of Arizona 9/11 memorial food drive. Our food donations will go to Extended Hands Food Bank, here in Fountain Hills. ISBA notes that this multi-faith event “demonstrates that the same spirit that drove the first responders and others to care for complete strangers on 9/11, is still alive by uniting our communities to provide food for the most needy.” The EHFB website lists mac ‘n cheese, fruit, peanut butter and jelly as high need items. The 9/11 drive site also lists additional items that can be contributed. If you bring items on Sunday 9/8, please place them in or near the EHFB barrel which will be placed in the worship area.