FSG News | October 2022
October 1, 2022
Did you know that we all have questions about faith and finances?
Talking about money in public spaces is uncomfortable at best and a cultural taboo at worst. And yet, most people I know—including myself—struggle with questions about money:
How much is enough?
How much should we give away?
Can we afford to give money away?
How much do we need to save for retirement and still be both wise and generous?
We, at New Journey Lutheran Church, have questions about faith and finances, too. In the middle of worship on Sunday, September 18, we made a list of some of our questions related to the Gospel reading for that day:
The Bible talks about God who provides and tells us to have faith: how do we learn how to trust God to provide?
Jesus teaches against the love of money; how does love of money exhibit itself?
At what point, does having money become more important than relationships?
I feel relieved to know I am not the only one who has questions about money and faith and the Bible. It’s good to know we are in good company. Perhaps the first step to overcoming our discomfort or downright aversion to talking about money is simply to name the questions we have and recognize we aren’t alone.
If you are in a place where you are ready to explore your faith and financial questions within the Christian community, then consider participating in a two-part book study on the book, Faith and Finances, on November 9 and November 16 at 10:00 am by Zoom with ELCA Foundation Regional Gift Planner, Lisa Higginbotham. The study follows the brief, Faith and Finances book written by Charles R. Lane (author of Ask, Thank, Tell) and explores discipleship, the Bible, and the practice of giving.
Thanks to an anonymous donor, there is no cost to purchase a copy of Faith and Finances. Simply put your name on the sign-up sheet at the welcome table or send an email to Pastor Beth to indicate you would like a copy.
We need not keep our questions about faith and money to ourselves. By the grace of God, we are in community to share and explore our questions, together.
With gratitude,
Pastor Beth