Congregation Council: “Telling the Story”

At the March 12, Congregation Council meeting, council spent a portion of their time sharing and dreaming about New Journey’s 2024 Vision: “Telling the Story"

We reviewed current ministries that bring meaning to our faith and purpose as a congregation and sorted through ideas, priorities, and goals we might pursue this year and in years to come. Sharing our Faith, Serving our Community and Advocating for Justice and Peace continue to be priorities for our congregation.

“It was so helpful to see all that we do right up in front of us—and you know? It’s all God’s story. What we do is all about the story of God’s love through us,” one council member shared. Amen!

Of course, dreaming, conversations about the future, deepening our current ministries or trying new experiments is an ongoing process of listening to God, one another and our neighbors. The Council will continue to pursue the vision and invites the community of New Journey Lutheran to share their ideas, input, questions, and wisdom as we journey together in this life of faith.

Contact any member of council to contribute to God’s vision for us of “Telling the Story”

Cindi Brady— President

Pete Galindez—Vice President

Mike Bartanen—Treasurer

Karl Flormoe—Secretary

Jo Martinson—Member at Large

Mike Wilson—Member at Large

Pastor Beth Gallen


February Council Meeting Minutes


Loneliness and Christianity – An Invitation to Learn and Serve