“Navigating the Challenge of Fulfilling God’s Mission in a Changing World”

Congregational Council Message

There is no more difficult conversation in which a congregation must engage than the conversation about finance. The Bible underscores that fact: there are more than 2000 references to money, many more than almost every other subject. Jesus frequently preached on that subject and acted accordingly: turning over tables in the Temple and celebrating the poor woman who put her last coins in the offering plate. 1 Timothy 6: 17-19 lays out the challenge Christians face in understanding their responsibility: “(18) Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share (19) In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”

Like many of God’s teachings, it is sometimes easier said than done, particularly at this time where so many of us live on fixed incomes and face the day-to-day needs which stretch our wallets and require choice and sacrifice. The Congregation Council, in presenting the proposed 2024 mission spending plan is acutely aware of those trials. We would respectfully note the challenges and opportunities:

We are likely to conclude 2023 on a high note. As you recall, the 2023 budget was a leap of faith: to fulfill the vision of moving the Pastor from a half-time to a three-quarter-time position, to expand our community outreach and communication efforts, and to maintain our worship facilities required the congregation to “up your game” in your financial support. We expect to end the year without a significant deficit. We are blessed with a congregation who saw the vision and made that vision a reality in a multitude of ways through their time, talent, and treasure.

While the proposed 2024 mission plan does not represent as substantial an increase in spending as was requested in 2023, it is an increase. It is an investment designed to build on our mission and “tell our story” in ways both old and new. It reflects the reality of rising costs, of needing to meet our responsibilities to our staff, to nurturing our worship through enhanced choir leadership and to faithfully steward our resources by separating the treasurer and bookkeeper positions.

The Council is committed to carefully tracking our expenditures and looking for cost savings while simultaneously listening to God’s voice to hear when mission opportunities present themselves. We remain strongly committed to our ongoing mission programs like Food for Kidz, summer respite lunch packing, advocacy for justice in our world and providing gifts and support for our friends in need. We envision beginning the task of developing multi-year budgets; finding opportunities to partner with fellow congregations in the Northeast Valley Consortium; and gathering data to fine-tune our mission-centric long-range planning to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing faith environment in Fountain Hills and the larger world.

The Council welcomes your ideas, your concerns and your prayers for helping us make careful and wise decisions. We strive to be transparent and responsive. We believe this mission spending plan, while once again being a challenge to our faith and finances, will continue to help us fulfill God’s purpose. We know we can count on your support.

In Christ,

The Congregation Council—Cindi Brady, Lou Hutchinson, Helga Essert, Mike Bartanen, Karl Flormoe, Pete Galindez, and Pastor Beth Gallen


2024 Mission Plan Priorities & Proposal


“Why Give?” by Nancy Rosenthal