Be the Church:  Food for Kidz Special Appeal

This Sunday, November 24, Pat Corey, New Journey member and former co-chair of the Food for Kidz Planning Team will share why she supports this mission, asking you to consider a financial gift the following Sunday, December 1.   

 In addition, we are hopeful that you will attend the Interfaith Thanksgiving service (November 24) to be held at The Fountains (UMC) at 2 p.m.  Pastor Beth will invite those in attendance to support our Food for Kidz food pack.  Following the service, we will have a table set up for people to learn more about our event.  We will be selling ten of Roger Westland’s walking sticks for a $50 donation to Food for Kidz.  Invite your friends, your relatives, your neighbors.  Please come and support us.

Planning Team:  Brenda Galindez, Nancy McGarry, Denny Rubenow, Gwen Rubenow, Pastor Beth Gallen


Roger Westland’s walking sticks for a $50 donation to Food for Kidz


Property Notice: Water Shut Off November 25


Quilt Blessing for Lutheran Social Services