Annual Meeting

Thank you to all who participated in the 2024 Annual Meeting. We give thanks to God for the leadership of Cindi Brady, the Congregation President, and the whole council for their work in facilitating a productive Annual Meeting. The council will approve the minutes from the Annual Meeting Minutes at their February 11th meeting and they will be shared in the March eNews. For now, here are the meeting highlights: 

  • 34 members of New Journey Lutheran Church were in attendance, a quorum of 25% of membership was established. 

  • The agenda was adopted as presented 

  • Jo Martinson and Mike Wilson were elected to serve on the Congregation Council. 

  • Lou Hutchinson and Helga Essert were recognized and thanked for their service on the Council.  

  • Stephen Gallen and Cindi Brady will represent New Journey Lutheran Church at the 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly. 

  • Steve Brady and Ron Bigley volunteered to serve on the Audit Committee. 

  • The 2024 Mission Plan Proposal was motioned, seconded and passed: 28 voting “yes” to adopt and “6” voting “no” 

  • Members of the congregation raised various clarifying questions about the 2023 Mission Plan, the 2024 Mission Plan, and the separation of duties of the Treasurer, Bookkeeper, and Financial Secretary as outlined in the adopted Financial Policy.  

Thank you to Lou Hutchinson and Helga Essert for faithfully serving on our Congregational Council. We are grateful to God for your service, and your willingness to contribute to the life and ministry of this congregation. We invite you into Sabbath now and rest from leadership on the council. We trust God will renew you and lead you to continue sharing your gifts and energy with us.


Pastor’s Pen | February 2024


Pastor’s Pen | January 2024