Stewardship: “Abide in my love”
[Jesus said:]“As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:9-11)
If we could pick one word to explain why God would become flesh and dwell among us in the person of Jesus, what would we choose?
If we could pick one word to explain what draws us back into Christian community week after week, what would we choose?
If we could pick one word to describe what sustains us as we live in a world full of dangers, toils, and snares, what would we choose?
Love is the hallmark of Christian discipleship. Love is the hallmark of following Jesus in this world. It’s the sustaining force in our lives.
At the beginning of May, in worship, our community grounded God’s love in our experiences of community at New Journey Lutheran Church. In the midst of worship, members of our community wrote responses to when they have felt loved by God and by this congregation.
Here’s a few responses shared by our community:
“I feel loved by this congregation when prayers for my family were said.”
“I feel at home in this congregation when we share gifts and resources for others.”
“I feel loved by God when in anxious, troubled prayer, I have felt the peace that surpasses all understanding.”
“I feel loved by this congregation when we are worshipping together.
“I feel at home in this congregation when we worship together and serve together, especially our summer lunch packs.”
“I feel loved by this congregation when I realized I could ask for help, like family, and I received it without hesitation.”
“I feel loved by God when I realized that God loves me just as I am.”
“I feel loved by this congregation when I am welcomed and greeted by name.”
Friends in Christ, the love of God is not abstract. It comes to us, abides with us, in the fellowship, prayers, worship, hospitality and service that we share with one another. Love flows through our community, carries us forward and sustains us as we live in a world that is troubled and teetering on the edge of hopelessness.
What carries us forward? How will God love this world? Read the responses written by our members and friends again and remember. The source of our love is Jesus and Jesus is among us, shaping our interactions and decisions. It is through our community that world will come to know God’s love. And this kind of love, a love of service and peace and belonging, is exactly what our world needs right now.
Friends, when we think of Stewardship, we often think of time, talents, and treasure. How many hours we are volunteering, how we are serving on ministry teams or dollars we are giving. This is part of Stewardship, certainly, and we are also stewards of Jesus’ love. Jesus is the source of our love and invites us to share in it for the sake of the world. It is my prayer that you will continue to notice and name how Jesus’ love abides in our community, and in noticing and naming the love of Christ in our midst, our joy may be complete.
With love for each of you,
Pastor Beth